Wedding Transport and Guest Charter |
Weddings abroad have become extremely popular for several reasons. Firstly, they offer a unique and memorable experience, often in exotic or picturesque locations, adding a special touch to the ceremony. Additionally, couples can combine their wedding and honeymoon into a single trip, which is both practical and cost-effective. Weddings abroad also allow for a smaller guest list, making the ceremony more intimate and personal. Lastly, some couples choose this option to escape local formalities and traditions, preferring a celebration that better reflects their personality and tastes.
The trend of getting married abroad, once not widely used, is now becoming more and more fashionable. The idea is to turn your wedding into a romantic getaway, an elopement. Since many couples decide to surprise their guests by organizing their wedding in another country, why not get married in Italy?
Once confined to their own countries, modern couples are now able to broaden their horizons for the happiest day of their lives. Provided with their personal experience of travelling and discovering other countries, the idea of a wedding abroad seduces them increasingly. You still have to know where to get married! Among all countries, Italy comes to couples’ minds in the first place. What for? Our article focused on the ten reasons to get married in Italy gives you the key to this question.
Although some couples consider marriage abroad, they are still hesitant about the feasibility of the project and its cost. Another country seems such a far destination for their guests and the organization looks more complicated than a local wedding ceremony. Regarding these two concerns, our professional wedding planners can be the answer to your problems thanks to their direct experience.
First of all, notifying guests well in advance (a year on average) allows them to plan their holidays easily. The wedding abroad becomes then an opportunity to spend a few days where your wedding is set and discover the region. The holidays that could take place in Portugal, for example, will take place that year in Italy. As simple as that.
Moreover, the anxiety of the whole wedding management sweeps away with a simple argument: this is what your wedding planner in Italy is for! Noces Italiennes’ team is indeed here to relieve you of all the headaches when it comes to planning your wedding in Italy and your wedding in general!
Therefore, you can focus on the aspects that you like the most and enjoy the wedding organization. Your wedding day will pass so quickly that it is better to know in advance all its steps in order to appreciate them more. That’s what we are here for too!
A concept already widely popular in Anglo-Saxon countries
If everyone else in the world has discovered the possibility of getting married abroad only recently, Anglo-Saxon culture did not wait for others. In fact, for many years now, many couples from the US or from the UK have made the choice to marry in another country. This trend allows you to benefit from unique and typical places for a total change of scenery such as choosing to get married in Trulli, Masseria or by the sea.
At the same time, the profession of a Wedding Planner has widely spread. A coincidence? Not really. Their help is indeed crucial in the organization of a wedding abroad.
Getting married abroad has some aspects that couples must think about before making their decision.
Despite travelling is not an issue for most people, you should think about elderly guests and couples with small children who may have difficulties in moving to another country. A brief chat with your relatives before starting the process can make you assess the feasibility of the project.
Furthermore, the administrative procedures for a civil marriage abroad differ slightly from those in the country of residence. Although in Italy the formalities are quite simple, you need to get a “Nulla Osta”, a certificate that makes you able to celebrate your union. This is another scenario when Noces Italiennes’ wedding planners will assist you step by step in the realization of your administrative procedures for your wedding in Italy.
Finally, by contacting one of us you can explore a wide range of available possibilities for a magical destination wedding. Therefore, do not hesitate to book us for a virtual cup of tea and a chat. Getting married abroad will become a real option!