You like being creative and original and enjoy standing out in a crowd? Well, you’re right and choosing a blessing is a great alternative to traditional or religious ceremonies. Blessings are very popular among couples who are in search of originality and romanticism to celebrate their weddings. A blessing usually takes place after a civil marriage as a substitute to a religious ceremony. There’s no precise rule to follow nor any constraint for a successful blessing. As goes the saying “The only limit is your own imagination” so get ready to embark on this new journey with our team and to celebrate the wedding of your dream.

The very first advantage of a blessing is to be able to choose the frame outdoors, in a wedding hall or in a dedicated space, in your country of origin or on a foreign land – Name it and we will get you an atypical and enchanting location to celebrate your love. Many couples chose to organise exceptional wedding ceremonies in idyllic and paradisiacal backdrops, Corsica’s crystal clear waters, the exotic and intimate atmosphere of an Apulian masseria in between olive trees, the chic and fragrant gardens of a Tuscan villa. The most important thing is to choose an authentic place that embodies you and your love story in the best way possible. If you wish to have a beach wedding and want to enjoy a solemn and peaceful atmosphere, our advice is to avoid the busy tourist season of July and August. If you still want a summer wedding in Italy or Corsica, choose a shaded location to keep your guests comfortable and your floral decoration as fresh as possible. In case of a winter wedding, choose locations that can guarantee you a plan B in case of adverse weather conditions.

A blessing gives you the chance to surprise your guests with a ceremony that will have a unique content and scenario. The absence of codes and rules gives you the freedom to choose your officiant but also the schedule, duration, unfolding and rituals of your ceremony. You can be the director, producer and also the script writer of your wedding. This way, you’ll be guaranteed a wedding celebration that will reflect your true authentic self and meet all your expectations. However, this will require an upstream organisation from both the bride and the groom. The ceremony can be held by one or more persons who will act as the witnesses of your union. While some married couples will prefer to leave the ceremony in the hands of a professional officiant, others will grab this chance to involve their loved ones and get them to host the whole ceremony. Reading texts, exchanging vows and wedding rituals, reminiscing about good old days with your family and friends’ speeches or any other animations are most welcomed.
Celebrate your wedding and get yourself a unique and personalised decor. Floral or draped, rectangular or round, customise your wedding arch to the colours of your love story. Get creative and choose some unique accessories: chairs, benches, long rows, circular seating; Don’t be afraid to get creative even when it comes to the seating arrangement of your guests. Don’t hesitate to write your own wedding scenario according to the theme of your wedding and add some symbolic accessories to bring a unique and magical touch. Finally, your seating arrangement as well as your wedding rings are also decorative elements where you can add your personal touch. Noces Italiennnes will be by your side to advise you on your wedding choices and get you a blessing that will remain in your memories forever.

Some couples do not relate with religious wedding rituals or codified ceremonies like a civil marriage and prefer informal and simple ceremonies. A blessing is the ideal alternative for brides and grooms who are looking for an authentic and touching ceremony. Couples can be enchanted by symbolic ceremonies for many reasons; In case of a mixed marriage, the couple cannot celebrate their union in a place of worship due to certain religious constraints. You can enjoy a spiritual dimension in a secular ceremony despite being outside a place of worship. For other couples, the administrative procedures to prepare a civil marriage can be an obstacle. A blessing does not imply administrative formalities. The absence of religious practices or beliefs can be decisive for couples who still want to have a warm and heart-touching ceremony. When it comes to same-sex marriages, a blessing is the ideal way to officialise your love in the most beautiful landscapes of Southern Italy.
In the first place we advise you to schedule your ceremony at the end of the day. The ideal time is to begin your ceremony after 5PM to enjoy an incredible sunset which will add a golden touch to the celebration of your union. If you want to go for a summer wedding, this is also the perfect time to enjoy warm and pleasant temperatures. A celebration at the end of the day is definitely the perfect transition between cocktail time and the night festivities. We also advise you to limit the number of speeches to keep a harmonious pace during the ceremony and optimise the schedule. In the same way, do try to organise a ceremony that will last less than an hour to keep all the attention of your guests. The choice of the officiant is also very important because he or she will be the one who will set the tone of the ceremony and represent you and your values. Your officiant must definitely be a very good speaker. Although there’s no obligation to do so, it is a custom to have your close relatives and witnesses seated next to you especially for logistical reasons. A blessing is also the perfect moment to share memories, projects together, some sweet words and exchange original wedding vows.

In order to craft a unique blessing, you can include some symbolic rituals with sand, shells, candles or an olive tree! Here’s some ideas:
Sand pouring ritual : This ritual involves filling two vases with sand as a symbol of eternal wedding. Get a vase with sand each and if possible, of a different colour. Pour the sand into a single vase and mix both types of sand together. Once poured, the two types of sand will create a unique pattern that makes it impossible to separate.
Candle lighting ritual : Lighting a candle will bring a spiritual touch to the ceremony. Light a candle each and unite their flames to light a much larger candle which stands for the uniqueness and grandeurs of your love and your marriage.
Wine sealing ritual : Get a good bottle of wine together and during your wedding preparations, write a letter to each other expressing your feelings and emotions. On the day of your blessing, put your letters and the bottle of wine in a box that you will seal. A few years later, you will get to open the safe, read out the letters to each other and drink that bottle of wine together to celebrate your wedding anniversary. After all, like wine, love also gets better with time! Cheers to you and your love story!
Olive trees: If you want to create a unique wedding in the region of your wedding, you can plant a tree that will symbolise your union. This way, you will have a reason (and an excuse) to come back and check how much it has grown.